Monday, January 18, 2010

How can i stop my rabbit eating my plants?

I let my rabbit run freely in the garden,i dont like them being locked up,but its costing me a fortune,it eats abserloutly everything.iwont buy no more plants till the rabbits gone,but we have got attached to her now.How can i stop my rabbit eating my plants?
What you could do is set an area up for your rabbit to run in, away from the garden. Re-inforce the ground by putting small wire fencing under some dirt to prevent digging thru'.

If garden plants read up on the link below + see what you can find, one site has pics so you can check them out.

Rabbits chew for 1 of 2 reasons:

* they're hungry for hay, or give them an apple tree branch, not only that but a new flavor gets anyone's mouth to water lol .....

* they need something to chew to wear down their teeth. A rabbits teeth is constantly growing.

Give your rabbit a cardbd box full of paper, mine used to love digging in it, playing keeps a rabbit not bored lol

I'll bet that your rabbit feels like its in a grocery store.

I have 9 rabbits + the best solution to most of the problems was to either eliminate or change it. We are all happy : )

Have some links below for you to have a look at. Please read the ones that have a list of Toxic + non-toxic plantsHow can i stop my rabbit eating my plants?
you're welcome. : )

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Simple answer-fence off the veggies you do not want her to eat. Rabbits will graze-it is their nature. Sorry there is no easy answer here.
Well you could start by making a area that is designed especially for the rabbit. Put carrots lettuce and plants you won't mind losing in. Put toys and water. Basically it's like a cage except it has no top.
Eat your rabbit.
First off it is dangerous to let your rabbit run freely in the garden...predators, escape.
have u tried a largec playpen ( like a pet one??) i know you dont like cages but i have a rabbit aswell and when i take her outside i put her in a playpen for pets , it has no bottom so shes on the grass and i put things in for her to play with and eat so she cant eat anyplants in the backyard .
Rabbits naturally eat...ALL THE TIME. If you don't like the rabbit eating certain plants, the only way to stop it is to not allow the rabbit near those plants. If you don't like the idea of a standard sized rabbit cage, build one that is larger. You can build a pen that is any size, so long as you take care to build one that is safe for your rabbit.

The only other alternative is to fence in the garden so that the rabbit can't get into it.

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