Sunday, January 24, 2010

Can a rabbit and a hamster live together?

I about to get a rabbit but I already have a hamster and my house don't have space to but those two.Can a rabbit and a hamster live together?
Absolutely not. Rabbits are territorial creatures and will more than likely kill the hamster. Their sleeping and eating habits are different, and just in general their care is different.

If you have to ask questions like this, then you're genuinely not ready to care for this animal.

Rabbits take a lot of cleaning(every two-three days), a lot of care in general(nail clipping, brushing), and need several hours of out of cage time daily. Plus they can be very expensive pets, fresh timothy hay(for bedding and food) and bagged food can cost a lot. You don't seem like the sort of person who's going to give a rabbit the proper care it needs and deserves.Can a rabbit and a hamster live together?
No do not keep the 2 together in the same housing unit. There is space for a hamster cage. What about the open bar cages, they are light-weight and easy to clean plus they love traveling from one level to another. lol. Just don't keep the cages very near to one another, bunny won't appreciate that much at all, they are extremely territorial, she probably wouldn't be very happy to see it at all. I had rabbits growing up and there were times I swear a rabbit could rip your face off in one quick nip.
It is never a good idea to keep different types of animals together. Yes, we've all gone goo-goo over pics of bunnies and kitties snuggling up together, but this is the EXCEPTION. 99% of the time, the bigger animal will hurt or kill the smaller one. And even if they don't harm each other, they aren't GOOD for each other either. They can't communicate or relate on any level, really. When the hamster squeaks the rabbit has NO IDEA what the hamster is trying to say. They can't read each other's body language either, so even if the bunny tried to warn the hamster that he was annoyed, the hamster wouldn't know it -- and the bunny would kick the living daylights out of him.

MOST animals need other animals of their own type to be happy. Some breeds of hamsters are fine as single pets but I'm not sure which ones. Rabbits need other rabbits, kittens need kittens, goats need goats, etc.

If you only have room for one cage, I think you'd better be happy with just the one hamster, unless you find out from someone who knows better than me that it would be OK to introduce another hamster.

Thank you for asking before you went out and tried shows you care.
Well, i think it should be ok as now, i'm keeping my guinea pigs with my rabbit. And my rabbit even licks my guinea pigs ! It often licks around the guinea pigs' ears. And they will sit quietly there for my rabbit to lick. So far my guinea pigs have been perfectly fine all these few years, there's no infection of diseases. But if you're scared then bath them or change the woodshaves every few days. Depends. I changed it about 1-2 times a week as i have 1 rabbit, 2 guinea pigs.

However, if yours is a mini hamster, i think you better not do it as there might be a possibility that your rabbit will hurt your hamster.

Lastly, if your rabbit has a fierce nature, please never keep it with your hamster, it might bite it. My rabbit has a gentle nature, it only bites stranger. =D cute huh? LOL...
I have had a dog, 1 cat, and 2 rats live together. So my answer will depend on if they seem compatible in there behavior. If you think they will be compatilbe then yes (also if they are young enough). However without knowing any of that I would have to say no if they were living in the same cage.
Perhaps but check with a really good vet...some pets bacteria may be infectious to just check that if they are getting along and there would be no health problems I think it might be okay...just worry about size...the rabbit could innocently injur the hamster.
Oh my god! 100% no!!!! Please do your research properly before becoming a pet owner.

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