Monday, January 18, 2010

How do we keep a rabbit away from our garden?

My family and I seem to have inherited a rabbit from somewhere nearby, and now that it's spring it has started to nibble away at the tulips as they come up. Any suggestions on how to keep it away from the garden, or perhaps trap it somehow?How do we keep a rabbit away from our garden?
Try red pepper. Spread it on and around the plants that the rabbit tends to bother.How do we keep a rabbit away from our garden?
Human hair the smell will keep them away. Go to a barber shop pet shop and ask for the hair that they cut. Sprinkle it all over in your garder it shoudl keep the rabbit away because the smell of the hair will scare it. I hope it works and please DON'T hurt the animal!
Chicken wire is the easiest and probably most effective way.Other than that, you can make your own rabbitt repellants. Use water, dish soap and hot pepper ( Tobasco) in a mix around and on exposed plant parts. If you are concerned about effect on the plant, chicken wire the garden first,then try it on 2 or 3 plants.
There are organic repellents that you can buy to keep animals from eating your precious flowers. I think they are egg based (I could be wrong). Also I believe you can make a spray out of garlic and oil to repel them.

Good Luck!
put out a trap and when you catch it drive 3 miles away
You can also try the air horns.... A motion sensor triggers a short blast form an aerosol-powered air horn (not a great idea for flower beds next to your house...).
Fried rabbit with mashed potatoes is great! I would also have fresh asparagus this time of year.
Go to your local pet or Garden store and ask for an organic repelant or something. WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT HARM OR KILL THE ANIMAL IN ANY WAY!!!


Install a rabit fence. It has smaller mesh on the bottom.
have you heard of catahoula dogs they are wabbit hunting dogs and the little vermin would not come back there for sure try it and good luck!!
Get a wolf or a snake!!!
I've been told marigolds will keep them away

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