Monday, January 18, 2010

How do I make my rabbit drink water again?

My baby rabbit broke her legs a couple of months ago (don't worry, we took her to the vet and everything), but she refuses to drink water. We give her fruit like apples and pears and stuff, so that give her juice, and sometimes I give her bowls of milk which she laps up within minutes. Yet she still refuses to even look at water. I'm afraid she's going to get dehydrated and die. What should I do?How do I make my rabbit drink water again?
There are a couple of options. First, you may want to reconsider the container for the water. If she's drinking out of a sipper, switch to a bowl.

To make the water more appealing, add a few drops of something sweet, like fruit juice or mint.How do I make my rabbit drink water again?
Im not sure milk is appropriate for adult rabbits but she should be getting at least a reasonably decent amount of water from the fruit you give her since most fruit is mostly water. You may consider a return trip to the vet if this is bothering you that much. An easy way to check for adequate hydration is to gently pull up her skin anywhere on her body. If the skin immediately lays back down where it should be then she's fine but if it stays raised in a peak type shape the way you pulled it, she's dehydrated. Works in most animals not just rabbits. Just be careful not to hurt her if you decide to do that.
dip her paws in water and she will lick them.

or get a syringe and force (clear) pedialyte on her. it will help replenish her electrolytes, and help her rehydrate fast.

If you're going to give milk, don't use cows milk. try enfamil baby formula watered down.
Silent Lamb has a pretty good answer. Check the container her water is in - try a bowl if it's in a bottle or vice-versa. It could be that she likes the milk better, so she's not taking the water (I'm not sure milk is good for bunnies anyway, their digestive systems suck up calcium from hay and everything, so milk could cause bladder sludge and stones, so check with your vet on that). You can try giving her leafy greens (dandelion greens are great if you can find them) and sprinkle some water on top. Or try giving a little pineapple or papaya juice with some water in it. I would think it's mostly that she's got other choices that aren't best for her, but taste better, so she's choosing those options - just like we might pick the ice cream sundae over the steamed broccoli. Good luck, I hope she gets better soon!
How about slowly watering down the fruit juices if she drinks that or even water down the milk a little each day then more and more untill it's just water. Do you have water in a bowl or in a bottle. If she is drinking the milk from the bowl and you have her water in a bottle it might not be the fluid that is the problem it could be she doesn't like to drink from the bottle for whatever reason.
perhaps your bunny has got used to the rich taste of milk. i would stop giving her milk and leave the water in a bowl, also if shes in a hutch attach a water bottle that she can suck on when she needs it.

hope this helps
I have a 7year old rabbit and never gave him milk please check with vet on that, but to answer your getting him to drink I would try getting some vitamins( of course ask vet) mixing in water and forcing down with syringe (with no needle on of course) but feeding leafy greens could work also it also has lots of vitamins and water

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