Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How do i stop a house rabbit from chewing EVERYTHING?

Female rabbit, 11 weeks old, chews everything in sight. We've had her for 3 weeks, and I estimate that she has already caused upwards of 拢1000 of damage. Desperately need advice, or a pie is beckoning!How do i stop a house rabbit from chewing EVERYTHING?
Ive had house rabbit(s) for four years now. One of them is a chewer, shes must have eaten at least 6 cell phone chargers by now, almost killed a cable guy when he reached behind the tv and grabbed a bunch of exposed cords and loves to tear wallpaper off the walls (luckily I rented through out college!).

She must chew, i never found her to choose the toys over the cords, no matter how many i provide her.

My solution has been to rabbit proof all the cords...and I have al lot of cabling them together, an dcreating barriers using verything from duct tape to pvc piping.

Ive tried using spray bottles as a deterrant, she hated being sprayed, but i dont feel she makes an association between chewing and being sprayed.

So four years in...I built her a 3 level hutch with wood chews built in, it has a rabbit door on the ground floor which leads to an entire porch that she can run in...when im home she is allowed to run around inside as she pleases because the gnawing noise is obvious and i can stop her by stomping on the floor.(you cant hear her chew cords!)

Ive tried lemon juice and other non toxic deterrants to no avail

and I would rather not poison her with polish.

Final answer....your rabbit is young...maybe early use of a spary bottle could condition her away from damaging your household items...but i doubt it, she just needs to chew, and will when she feels like i would set her up with a big safe area that is only hers where she can run an dchew to her hearts delight (have you seen her dance yet?) an dwhen you are home supervise her.

Mine follows me around when i prepare breakfast

good luck, bunnies make better pets than piesHow do i stop a house rabbit from chewing EVERYTHING?
It's her instinct to do this and there's nothing you can do apart from let her outside to chew on branches and dig in the dirt. Rabbits weren't designed to live inside all the time.
make it an outdoor rabbit.
Caged when your not there, very supervised, when

she is out of the cage, its the only way.
Keep it in a cage!

You could buy bitter apple spray from a pet store to spray on your wires etc.
there is something to stop dogs chewing things it may work for rabbits. mine chews wires, clothes, paper and more.
My cats are like that they chew EVERYTHING i spray them with a mist of water. That usally works. Good luck!
You can't Rabbits were never meant to be kept indoors.

They want to chew because it is natural for them to do so, that is how they keep their soft teeth from over-growing
plan a casserole party?
I find spraying polish on the things the rabbit chews helps, unless the rabbit lieks polish!
Eat the rabbit, lovely in a stew.
Suggest you change pets, you work hard for what money you make, is it really worth it to see your things destroyed?

Not all rabbits are bad chewers, however, this is not one of those.

If you decide to get another, research protecting your home first and pick a breed that is docile.

Good luck.
It is quite normal for rabbits that young to chew everything in site! you need to rabbit proof your wires. one thing that usually works for carpets , furniture etc is very strong perfume(they don't like it and it tastes yukky). when your rabbit chews something, simply say no, pick up ur bunny and put it in its cage for 1/2 hour and ignore it. this is the only way to train it. it does work tho, just be patient.
Have you provide it with a salt block.

provide lots of hard things to eat carrots etc

provide it a piece of wood to chew on

there teeth continue to grow, with out something to chew on they will become unable to eat properly because of their ';Long'; teeth.
Get a spray bottle like Mr.Muscle or something (empty of corse) fill it with water and everytime it chews something spray it in the face... it seems cruel but its that or the oven!
stick it in the shed where it can't do any damage

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