Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How do I make my rabbit feel more comfortable?

I just got a rabbit and she is due to have babies on May 8th. Every time I pick her up she is fine, but once I start holding her and petting her she starts to shake as if she is scared. I don't know why she is so uncomfortable. She has only been here for about 3 days.How do I make my rabbit feel more comfortable?
Is it the kind of shaking when her legs start to shake? If so, then this is just something I have found that rabbits do. You can still hold her as normal, although if she is pregnant she will get very snippy in the next few weeks, so I would leave her alone because of that. Otherwise, she will be fine, the mroe you hold her, the more she will get used to you.How do I make my rabbit feel more comfortable?
Leave her to get used to her new environment. Don't bug her too much to cause stress for her, especially if she's pregnant. And when her babies are born, make sure not to touch or hold them. She could kill her baby if your scent is on one of them.

Also, a good thing to remember is that rabbits HAVE to have hay in their diet. I like to remind people this because when I bought my rabbit they didn't specify that rabbits NEED hay. Not having hay in their diet can cause a blockage which could kill them. I knew that was off topic, but I don't want your rabbit to get hurt because of it.
When your giving her attention/ holding her get a carrot or something and hand feed her if shes only been with you 3 days she might not be very comfortable or trust you to much. This will help to build trust with you. About 8 days before she gives birth dont pick her up or play with her you can open her cage and let her explore if you want but dont touch her to much when she gives birth and eats one of the babies this is normal but if she continues to eat them take the babies out and make a schedule to feed them for the first couple days try to get the mom and hold her down and feed the babies and then get kitten milk and hand feed them
Try to have at least one box or cave big enough for her to fit in so she can hide if she gets scared...also supply lots of hay so she can make her nest with it.
cook it yum yum
She is uncomfertable in your handle right now due to the fact that she's a growing mommy. Right now she needs a place of assurance, a place that she's going to be able to feel secure, and trusted in with her babies. Not to mention she is unsure of you right now. You need to let her get accustomed to the sounds of the house, the sounds you make, and the motions around her. I just got a rabbit myself, had her about 5 days. First couple of days i was trying to socialize her right away. She got stressed out and started peeing red. Thankfully, i knew that that was a sign of stress. So Ive left her in her cage for 2 days, with occasional picking up and petting. And now she's alot more relaxed, and seems to have a funner 'spirit' about her. You need to just give her some time to adjust, and because she's pregnant, you'll want to make sure she learns your trust and her security as BEST as possible.

Good Luck with dem babies!!
Sometimes, my rabbits does that if they want out. I'd leave her alone for a few weeks. Take her out, but don't hold her. If you have an excersise pen, put her in there, but sit in it with her so you can still be with her but she still has freedom. Everybody has got to have their space. :)
rabbits don't like you holding them wen they r pregnant just give her food and wen the babies r old enough u can start holding your rabbit again
usually rabbits take a while to adjust to new enviroments. it can take them up to a week. my rabbit was only scared for about 3-4 days. you shouldn't hold your rabbit the first week or so, this might cause him/her to become very uncomfortable for the rest of her stay at your house. pet her when you give her food to get her used to human contact. but try not to hold her as much. if the problem persists for about 2 wks, i recomend talking to your vet.

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