Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is a rabbit harder to take care of than a dog?

I'm planning on adopting a rabbit from a local shelter, and I was wondering if rabbits are harder to take care of than dogs. I have a dog and she's been taken care of very well. I know how to take care of rabbits, but I just want to know if it's time consuming/hard to take care of one.Is a rabbit harder to take care of than a dog?
nah rabbits dont require alot of human contact..just make sure the rabbit has fresh food, water and bedding..

my daughter has a dwarf rabbit that she keeps in a cage in the house and she buys it toys to occupy its time...

she pets it, holds it and lets it roam every once in a while...

they arent demanding animals and are easy to care for..Is a rabbit harder to take care of than a dog?
Well it depends. If you dog is potty trained and medium sized then the rabbit is harder. Rabbits are harder because they poop A LOT! And it really stinks! If you are willing to buy a big cage and keep it in your house or yard and clean the cage about 5 times a year then your fine.

If you buy 2 rabbits then there is a good chance that their gonna have like 5 ~10 baby's.

I would get one though! Because you have experience with animals.

i think rabbits do take more work because you have to clean the cage which is hard because sometimes they dont cooperate, and i f you have outdore rabbits than yo will have a huge prob in the winter, i had to find something to put up and then i had to make sure they were warm and then feed them give them water and put new hay in. im not gonna say rabbits are bad pets but i do think they are more work
They poop alot more than dogs but you dont have to walk them so i think they would probably be easier but either way you seem like you will take good care of it
No. Rabbits are easy to care of. And there adorable.
No not at all you feed them once a day in the morning refill there water everyday and clean out there pin once a week

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