I would say at least an hour daily. Don't just leave them in the cage for days.
I usually get mine out and pet or play with it for at least 20 or 30 minutes each day, and then let it run around and play by itself for 30 more minutes or so. We have a screened in porch, but we let it go outside in the grass some.
Right now, she's really sweet... But if I left her in her cage and never played with her for a while, she will eventually turn wild and not want to be held or picked up at all.
They also like to be given treats - such as clover, lettuce, carrots, etc.How much attention does a bunny rabbit need a day?
I raised rabbits for years when I was a teen living on the farm. We had a huge hutches outside, raised about 4 feet off the ground, My brother built 3 huge rooms for me and on the outside of the hutches as they came out their door, was wire instead of wood so when they pooped, it went on the ground and never had to worry about cleaning much. I kept the hutches full of hay, always had water and foods. Living on a farm has a lot of advantages because I was able to give them plenty of fresh veggies right out of the garden. My parents didn't mind because we had so much. Every chance I got, I would go out and talk to Pudgy, my rabbit and Snowball, her partner. I loved those bunnies and when she had her babies, they were so lovable. I always let them roam around the ground so they could eat clover etc. They never went to far, because they had it so good, Give them all the attention you can. Give them a lot of greens, they love that. Any raw veggie like carrots, peas, all kinds of lettuce, well you get the picture. Have fun, they are so lovable of an animal
EDIT-NeoJoe, You are right to a point, but I have never had a rabbit turn against me. I'll tell you a little secret, when the female was pregnant, she had a huge ball of the softest fur that grew under her chin and neck, when she was ready to deliver, she pulled this out and put it in the nest. That was the only time she didn't want me touching her. She was afraid I was going to damage her nest or something, but any animal that is going to give birth, should not be disturbed, except for a pet dog or cat. It seems, in my experience with dogs and cats, they wanted me there. Not the rabbits though, Once the babies were born, she let me near them after a week. Then she was her same sweet self. So you may have let go your rabbits not knowing what was really going on. Sorry,
i like rabbit whit i would do win you feed like take he of the cage and hold he for a wil and give hem some attn
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