Saturday, January 23, 2010

How can I tell if my male rabbit is neutured?

I bought him from PetCo about 3years ago, and I recently got another rabbit, and he tried to ';do it'; with her. Please let me know!How can I tell if my male rabbit is neutured?
If you bought your bunny from a pet store, it will probably not be neutered.

You can tell if a male bunny is neutered if you look underneath. A male bunny at 3 years of age will have rather big pink testicles. If there are no testicles at this age and you are sure your bunny is a boy, then it is neutered.

However, as you bought a bunny in a pet store be aware that pet stores are notorious for having no clue how to sex a rabbit so you could very well have a girl instead.

In the interests of avoiding any unwanted bunny pregnancies or dominated aggression between your two bunnies, I would suggest a quick trip to the vet to have your two bunny's sexes confirmed. Ask about desexing both buns as this is the best way to end up with two happy bunnies living together.How can I tell if my male rabbit is neutured?
Chances are if you bought him from a pet shop, he's not neutered. Flip him over and you should see two big pink blobs on either side of his genital area, just above the tail. Those are the testicles and are usually pretty obvious.

Also, I would be aware that if he's not neutered and already tried to 'do it' with a female rabbit, she may well be pregnant already. Please keep them separated until at least 5 weeks after the male has been neutered and the female spayed, and then begin to bond. And I would get the female spayed ASAP as this will negate any chance of pregnancy before foetusus can develop.
I would have to see the bunny to tell you if it is neutered or even actually a male. You should know that often Petco sells bunnies and mistakes whether male or female and also does not bother to fix them.

Adding another bunny can cause a bunny to feel territorial and often the bunny whose cage is being invaded by an unknown bunny - that bunny will hump the living crap out of whatever bunny arrives. This shows dominance and hopefully the other bunny submits and they work it out.

Two females, both intact, may fight to the death - so watch for blood and actual biting.. also two males will feel the same about sharing a cage.

A male and female will eventually lay down together but he may mate her often, even after she is knocked up and this might cause her to lose the litter or pass on.

Bunnies have two horns and can become pregnant in both horns, if the pregnancies are of different gestational advancement- she can die, or all the babies will.

So bottom line, bunnies should not share a cage unless they are both fixed.
ummm, he wont have any ';balls';....that's how you can tell if he is nuetered. Oh, and they have big balls so you will be able to tell if he has them or not. My bunny is 8 months old and he's got some big ones! lol........srry about being so straight forward about
Call petCo and ask them if they fix there bunnies befor sale. most dont so it is probubly not neutured.

and after i had my male bunny fixed he lost his temptation to ';do the deed';
i am sorry those idiots are not helpful. take it to the vets.
aiiite.. thats wassup

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