Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How can you tell if a rabbit is pregnanut?

We took her to our other friends house and the two bunnies humped and ever since then our rabbit has gotten very lazy and a little fatter. I don't know any thing about rabbits except how to keep them alive!!How can you tell if a rabbit is pregnanut?
lol. Okay. Well, for starters, it helps to know if they are does or bucks. If your rabbit is a female (if older than 4 months, look for testicles) and your friends rabbit is a buck, then your rabbit MAY be pregnant.

Now, if you are not possitive about the sex, they could have been two females humping. It's very much a dominance thing. If it was a male and female, and the buck was in top (females hump males, too) and he gave a little ';Umph'; and then ';fell off'; the doe, then they definately did the deed. It is noticeable and quite funny, actually. :P

Rabbits are induced ovulators, meaning that they drop their eggs into their uterus AFTER they mate. So, it if you want to increase chances of conception, the female should be bred 8 hours after the first mating and then a few hours after that. After the 3rd mating I put the doe back in with the buck as often as she is still interested.

So, to tell if a doe is pregnant....palpate her on the 14th day. Palpating is feeling for the developing kits. It takes practice. If you can't palpate, then just wait for 31 days. Other than palpating, you really can't tell if a doe is pregnant as they do not usually noticeably get fat or lazy.

Put a nestbox in with her on day 27 so she can build her nest. Dont' put it in earlier or she may use it as a toilet.

In the meantime, read ';Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits'; by Bob Bennett. It is the best and will tell you LOADS of what you should know, including how to palpate.

Consider joining 4H or the ARBA to learn more about rabbits. It is important to breed with knowledge and with a purpose in mind for any kits your rabbit produces.

Best wishes.How can you tell if a rabbit is pregnanut?
Why would you want to have even more rabbits if you barley even know how to take care of one? if your rabbit IS pregnant, then you Better find good homes for all of the babies. or at least surrender your rabbit to an animal shelter that would actually know what to do and how to take care of them!

There is already an animal overpopulation in the world... we don't need any more, especially if they cant be taken care of well!!!

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