Friday, May 14, 2010

WHy does my rabbit shed so much fur this one time?

I ussually comb out my rabbit mabe once a month. I have come up with an ideal amount of fur brushed off. But for some reason he sheded a whole bunch of fur. And wierd part about it is winter time. I thought they sheded in the summer time due to the heat. Im a little worried.

Thanks for all your replys.WHy does my rabbit shed so much fur this one time?
It's normal to have a rabbit shed during winter, they're changing their coat to get warmer. Rabbits shed throughout the whole year, and it does seem pretty endless to me. You need extra care for him, grooming him at least once a day. Rabbits are not able to vomit like cats do, so their loose hair they lick can cause blockage in their stomaches, and they will stop eating. It has happened to my rabbits before, and all you can do is to MAKE THEM EAT somehow. Water is very important too.WHy does my rabbit shed so much fur this one time?
Rabbits can moult up to three times a year
it wants to have babies
Rabbits shed in the winter to make way for their thicker winter coat; then they shed this out in the summertime.
My rabbit did that too. I wondered if it was because we had a space heater in one room that he liked to hang out in, and maybe his body thought it was summer again! But more likely they just shed on a regular basis. Just make sure to groom him a lot so he doesn't get hairballs, which can be dangerous to rabbits since they can't cough them up like cats do. Petromalt helps with hairballs, and I've heard a little pineapple juice or dried pineapple can help too. Of course, if you are really worried, it never hurts to call a vet for advice. Good luck.
They shed their coats several times a year; it's not uncommon for them to do so during early wintertime in order to make room for their new seasonal coat. This is pretty normal; don't fret.

1 comment:

  1. My rabbit has been shedding a ridiculous amount of hair all the time I have had him (which is a very very long time) and I am personally getting sick of it. I've tried vacuuming him, brushing him, taking him outside, and rolling him with a sticky thing and nothing is working. I am worried its something that I'm not feeding him something. Help me
