Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Is it really nescessary for me to neuter my rabbit?

Okay Im planning on getting a male rabbit

only one, it wont really be around any other rabbits unless at some point it comes in contact with one of my friend's rabbits(also male, but not neutered)

Should I really get it neutered or will it be fine?Is it really nescessary for me to neuter my rabbit?
Altered rabbits are healthier and live longer than unaltered rabbits. Your neutered male rabbit will live longer, given that he won't be tempted to fight with other animals (rabbits, cats, etc.) due to his sexual aggression.

Altered rabbits make better companions. They are calmer, more loving, and dependable once the undeniable urge to mate has been removed. In addition, rabbits are less prone to destructive (chewing, digging) and aggressive (biting, lunging, circling, growling) behaviour after surgery.

Avoidance of obnoxious behavior. Unneutered male rabbits spray, and both males and females are much easier to litter train, and much more reliably trained, after they have been altered.

Altered rabbits won't contribute to the problem of overpopulation of rabbits. Over 7 million adorable dogs, cats, and rabbits are killed in animal shelters in this country every year. In addition, unwanted rabbits are often abandoned in fields, parks, or on city streets to fend for themselves, where they suffer from starvation, sickness, and are easy prey to other animals or traffic accidents.

Altered rabbits can safely have a friend to play with. Rabbits are social animals and enjoy the company of other rabbits. But unless your rabbit is altered, he or she cannot have a friend, either of the opposite sex, or the same sex, due to sexual and aggressive behaviors triggered by hormones.

Spaying and neutering for rabbits has become a safe procedure when performed by experienced rabbit veterinarians. The House Rabbit Society has had over 1000 rabbits spayed or neutered with approximately 0.1% mortality due to anesthesia. A knowledgeable rabbit veterinarian can spay or neuter your rabbit with very little risk to a healthy rabbit. Don't allow a veterinarian with little or no experience with rabbits to spay or neuter your rabbit.Is it really nescessary for me to neuter my rabbit?
I would say yes. Its pretty much essential for any non-breeding rabbits.

Male rabbits show dominant behaviour if bot neutered. They are more likely to bite, and be aggressive. They will also pee everywhere, not be able to be litter trained that well, and will flick pee up your walls. He will also hump everything, circle you, hump you and your friends legs and be more difficult in general.
i always feel if you get an animal neutered your actually taking part of their personality away. your pet needs some character, otherwise it's just an empty fluff ball waiting to be cuddled.

we decided not to neuter our rabbit, occasionally he may charge, but then we just leave him alone and come back in 5 mins and he's ok.

obviously if you can never even get near your rabbit, then neutering is a real option. it's also not fair on him becasue if he's mean and you never want to go near him, then he's going to be stuck in his cage for his whole life with no interaction with any other beings... no animal should endure that
waste of time and money to neuter a rabbit lol. especialy if it spends most of its time in a cage and the only other rabbit it comes across is a guy.
i have a male rabbit and he was very mean before we got him neutered he stopped bitting, and seemed alot happier
I'd get him neutered, he will make a better pet.

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