Friday, May 14, 2010

What will happen if you touch a wild baby rabbit?

Will the mother still go by it with the human scent on it?What will happen if you touch a wild baby rabbit?
Depending on the age if its reliant on the mother then generally the smell of you on the baby may cause the mother to reject it or kill it.

Its a wild animal leave it alone, you shouldn't touch young animals anyway unless its an absolute last resort or your a qualified vet.What will happen if you touch a wild baby rabbit?
If it is possible to watch from a distance or check back on it,leave it alone. If you are certain the mother will not return, be prefared to be a mommy. This will require bottle feedings and some special care. I placed a wild baby with my pet rabbit. The baby seemed to take some time to warm up to the tame rabbit, but remained wild. I took measure not to become to attached, and when the baby was big enough to fend for it self, I released it into the wild.
I'm not sure, but i will tell you this. if a mother rabbit gets spooked she will kill her young and the sound of it is the most terrible thing i have ever heard.
Probably not, it will probably be abandoned by its mother because it no longer has her scent/natural scent on it.
nothing will happen just dont keep touching them if you do it to much you will scare the mom off
I think the mother will abandon it. Don't touch it!! if you already did, try to raise it- but its chances aren't very big.
call the vets !

1 comment:

  1. can you touch a baby rabbit with bare hands or with something because my friend touches her baby rabbits and i think it is wrong so i am a little conserned
